See Girl Run: Updates

I came across a couple of updates about "See Girl Run".
Firstly, I found a website about the promotion of the movie at the Florida Film Festival. If you're interested in reading how the movie's screenings were promoted, go to: See Girl Run Final Report

Moreover, I found another review, from : 

The Atlanta Film Festival screening of “See Girl Run” took place on Sunday evening, the indie dramady stars Robin Tunney as Emmie a 30something whose marriage has grown dull and decides to go to her hometown in order to seek out an old high school boyfriend (Adam Scott) whom she never officially broke up with. Director Nate Meyer was in house for the screening and before it started he thanks all the audience members before the screening for not staying at home in favor of the season premiere “Mad Men” and jokingly says he's tempted to leave for that himself. In short: I'm very happy I DVR'd “Mad Men”.Robin Tunney gives very good leading performance as Emmie: it's charming, genuine and dynamic. Adam Scott (who I enjoy weekly on “Parks and Recreation”) in an almost duel lead role also shines hear giving a very real and witty performance. Jeremy Strong, Josh Hamilton and William Sadler also give good supporting performances as definitive characters that also contribute to the storyline(s).The storytelling and script of Nate Meyer in combination with the cast creates a very entertaining and meaningful indie. The screenplay is very strong, realistic, funny and serious. The additional story lines also may be brief but the way that they are each their own and at the same time intertwine with the main plot is clever. The film also could fall into a category of indies that while good they still show us something we have seen before, but it goes in a direction made more evident by the third act that is unexpected and well orchestrated, thus taking the film to another level that I had not envisioned at all (in a good way) going into it.
3.5/4 stars
Lastly, an article/interview to See Girl Run Director Nate Meyer, by :

Girl meets boy. Girl falls in love with boy. Girl and boy go their separate ways. Girl wonders what could have been.
It’s the basic structure of many a romantic film, finding the one who got away.
But as Greensboro native and UNC School of the Arts graduate Nate Meyer will tell you, giving an old genre a new spin is one of the joys of filmmaking.
And that’s precisely what Meyer does in “See Girl Run,” a film he wrote and directed that will screen April 14-15 at the RiverRun International Film Festival in Winston-Salem.
The tale of revisiting lost love isn’t a clichéd romantic comedy, nor is it a bleak examination of relationship mistakes.
“It’s somewhat well-worn territory, but I think ('See Girl Run’) sheds new light on it and shows it in a different way rather than just letting a romantic scenario play out,” Meyer said.
In “See Girl Run,” Robin Tunney (of “The Mentalist”) plays Emmie, a woman in her mid-30s whose marriage is deteriorating. She wonders where she’d be if she had made different choices in her life, including if her relationship with her high school boyfriend Jason (Adam Scott of “Parks and Recreation”) had lasted. As the “what ifs” overwhelm her, she goes home to Maine to see him.
The film’s honest depiction of romance earned rave reviews at Austin’s South by Southwest in March. Meyer’s first film, “Pretty in the Face,” also debuted at the festival five years ago.
“It was a very gratifying way to kick off whatever life this movie is going to have,” Meyer said.
Like Emmie, Meyer is in his mid-30s, and he’s seen friends his age struggle with focusing on disappointments over blessings. But his passion for telling intimate stories such as “See Girl Run” dates back to his UNCSA days.
Meyer was born and raised in Greensboro and attended Grimsley High School before enrolling at UNCSA as part of the film program’s second graduating class.
At Grimsley, he shifted from wanting to pursue a career in front of the camera to a career behind it.
“I realized rather than being an actor, I wanted to be a creator,” Meyer said. “I wanted to start from scratch and make films that could be entertaining and at the same time have an impact.”
He describes UNCSA’s film program as an inspiring place to learn the craft, with the freedom and resources to “make films nonstop for four years.”
“We had a lot of talented people who didn’t necessarily know the rules but had a lot to say,” Meyer said. “The School of the Arts gave us the opportunity to just say.”
Meyer’s class boasted several other notable UNCSA graduates including David Gordon Green (“All the Real Girls,” “Pineapple Express”), who serves as executive producer of “See Girl Run.”
“He read it immediately and said 'You’ve got to make this movie,’” Meyer said. “He understands my voice. He was involved from the beginning, all the way through, and helped me turn it into something that was beyond just a script.”
Filming of “See Girl Run” took place in spring 2011 in Maine and Brooklyn, where Meyer now lives. He has completed two other scripts, though he said he isn’t sure which one he’ll film next.
But first, Meyer said he looks forward to sharing “See Girl Run” with his Triad roots.
“My family is still (in Greensboro),” Meyer said. “For them to be able to see the film in a theatrical experience is exciting.”


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